2011/11/10 00:00:15 00:04:37 + zigutabi(~zigutabi@118-86-177-221.kakt.j-cnet.jp) to #ぱそ 00:05:54 <#ぱそ:zigutabi> すみません、この中でゲームエンジン「Unity」に詳しい方、御座いますでしょうか。 00:11:59 ! aokaze ("Leaving...") 00:18:58 + aokaze(~aokaze@p10170-ipngn401morioka.iwate.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 00:19:10 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o aokaze 00:19:43 ! Pikoyan ("ささやき いのり えいしょう おおっと") 00:27:46 ! tatsu114 ("ろくでもない。ほんとろくでもない。") 00:53:46 ! aspha ("Leaving...") 00:57:49 - Fish from #ぱそ (ごきげんよう) 00:58:25 + NM1(~NM@KD113159104006.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 00:59:55 ! NM1 (Connection reset by peer) 2011/11/10 01:00:00 01:00:35 + NM1(~NM@KD113159104006.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 01:01:45 ! NM (Ping timeout) 01:05:39 MorrisNY -> MorrisZZZ 01:14:52 ! zigutabi ("ぐんない、よい朝を") 01:21:50 MOTOI -> MOTOsleep 01:23:57 ! akiraani ("祝!ソリッドファイター完全版") 01:44:42 + SiIdeKei_(~siidekei@EM114-51-25-242.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 01:44:53 Mode by aokaze: #ぱそ +o SiIdeKei_ 01:46:20 TK-Leana -> TK-Sleep 01:48:25 ! SiIdeKei (Ping timeout) 01:59:03 <#ぱそ:asahiya> .k Unity 01:59:03 <#ぱそ:Role> キーワード一覧の http://www.koubou.com/keywords/Unity をどうぞ♪ 01:59:26 <#ぱそ:asahiya> こまったときのRoleお嬢様 2011/11/10 02:00:00 02:06:26 ! licorice (Ping timeout) 02:07:53 + licorice(~licorice@home.cokage.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 02:07:53 Mode by asahiya: #ぱそ +o licorice 02:08:15 ! Role (Ping timeout) 02:08:15 ! cre_log (Ping timeout) 02:12:32 + cre_log(~log@ns.cre.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 02:12:38 Mode by cokage: #ぱそ +o cre_log 02:16:32 ! jackson ("Leaving...") 02:16:54 Silver_ -> NERUsh 2011/11/10 03:00:00 03:15:51 ! MOTOsleep ("海風受けて") 03:17:18 ! Toyolina ("") 03:17:53 ! C-TL_UXG ("さて・・・・") 03:17:54 ! killaway ("Leaving...") 03:18:57 ! yasuyuqi ("Leaving...") 03:19:08 ! fukaNote7 ("Leaving...") 2011/11/10 04:00:00 04:02:13 ! ao ("Leaving...") 04:05:54 + ao(~ao_mm@27-141-213-54.rev.home.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 04:10:58 ! A ("Leaving...") 04:24:16 + symm(-symm@ to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 05:00:00 05:00:02 [!] auto down 2011/11/10 05:00:09 05:00:09 [!] ./madoka.rc updated 05:00:10 [!] Start: madoka 4.2.8 with perl 5.8.8 05:00:11 [!] server: irc.trpg.net(6667) 05:00:11 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/ans_action.mpi 05:00:11 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dice2.mpi 05:00:11 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/bot.mpi 05:00:11 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/convnick.mpi 05:00:11 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/autoans.mpi 05:00:11 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrceuc 05:00:12 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrcjis 05:00:12 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dengon.mpi 05:00:19 + dice2(~dice@sv1.trpg.net) to #ぱそ 05:00:34 Mode by fukaSleep: #ぱそ +o dice2 05:16:26 ! hari ("ぶち切れます") 2011/11/10 06:00:00 06:31:02 + A(~A@pa35529.aomrnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 06:50:27 ! symm (Ping timeout) 06:53:24 Yad_Sleep -> Yad_Away 2011/11/10 07:00:00 07:00:00 ! log ("auto down") 07:00:04 + log(~homepage@sv1.trpg.net) to #ぱそ 07:00:10 Mode by dice2: #ぱそ +o log 07:03:17 + C-TL_UXG(~Cat-Tail_@p03677e.miygnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 07:20:27 ! fukaSleep ("Leaving...") 07:20:55 ! touya (EOF From client) 07:22:42 + fukanju(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #ぱそ 07:23:11 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o fukanju 07:23:11 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #ぱそ 07:23:12 Mode by aokaze: #ぱそ +o fukaNote7 07:23:22 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o fukaNote7 07:26:32 ! abAWAY ("ごきげんよう") 07:33:59 + symm(-symm@ to #ぱそ 07:35:18 + abAWAY(~aba@ntchba143193.chba.nt.ngn.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 07:35:38 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o abAWAY 07:35:46 Mode by abahp: #ぱそ +o abAWAY 07:36:46 ! fukanju ("Leaving...") 07:38:19 ! fukaNote7 ("Leaving...") 07:38:41 + fukanju(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #ぱそ 07:38:56 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o fukanju 07:44:16 + SiIdeKei(~siidekei@EM114-51-152-52.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 07:44:17 ! SiIdeKei_ (Connection reset by peer) 07:44:22 Mode by fukanju: #ぱそ +o SiIdeKei 07:48:24 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-126-190.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #ぱそ 07:48:33 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o fukaNote7 2011/11/10 08:00:00 08:00:24 ! symm (Ping timeout) 08:08:07 + yasaii(~yasaii@p1184-ipbf05tokaisakaetozai.aichi.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 08:09:45 MorrisZZZ -> Morris 08:09:53 Morris -> MorisWork 08:40:49 + AizawaYu2(~Yu_Aizawa@i121-114-180-11.s05.a012.ap.plala.or.jp) to #ぱそ 08:40:50 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o AizawaYu2 08:46:43 ! abahp ("ごきげんよう") 08:51:43 + abahp(~aba@ntchba143193.chba.nt.ngn.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 08:51:46 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o abahp 2011/11/10 09:00:00 09:26:21 ! zero2 (Ping timeout) 2011/11/10 10:00:00 10:00:02 ! cokage ("お風呂お風呂〜♪") 10:00:02 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 10:00:04 + cokage(~licorice@sv.cokage.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 10:00:22 Mode by aokaze: #ぱそ +o cokage 10:00:23 Mode by dice2: #ぱそ +o cokage 10:01:28 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 10:17:38 ! MarkN ("Leaving..") 10:17:38 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 10:18:02 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 10:39:10 + ponzz(~ponzz@p18221-ipngn1002souka.saitama.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 10:39:12 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 10:39:33 Mode by aokaze: #ぱそ +o ponzz 10:40:40 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 10:43:13 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 10:45:05 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 10:50:24 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 10:50:41 + touya(~raytouya@N085144.ppp.dion.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 10:51:29 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 10:54:21 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 10:55:53 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 11:00:03 11:00:04 ! cre_log ("auto down") 11:02:42 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 11:03:28 + cre_log(~log@ns.cre.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 11:03:34 Mode by abahp: #ぱそ +o cre_log 11:03:34 Mode by aokaze: #ぱそ +o cre_log 11:03:34 Mode by dice2: #ぱそ +o cre_log 11:03:34 Mode by cokage: #ぱそ +o cre_log 11:04:20 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 11:24:51 ! AizawaYu2 ("それではノシ") 11:25:34 NM1 -> NM 11:25:34 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 11:26:59 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 11:27:09 + AizawaYu2(~Yu_Aizawa@i121-114-180-11.s05.a012.ap.plala.or.jp) to #ぱそ 11:27:13 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o AizawaYu2 11:42:38 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 11:43:33 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 11:45:25 ! Aki-CML (Connection reset by peer) 11:45:27 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 11:45:55 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 11:46:14 + Aki-CML(~Aki_san@flets-e013.hbb.jp) to #ぱそ 11:46:24 Mode by asahiya: #ぱそ +o Aki-CML 2011/11/10 12:00:00 12:03:27 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 12:04:30 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 12:27:42 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 12:29:10 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 12:40:44 + Toyolina(~Toyolina@7c294a97.i-revonet.jp) to #ぱそ 12:40:44 Mode by asahiya: #ぱそ +o Toyolina 12:40:44 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 12:41:41 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 13:00:00 13:21:02 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 13:22:35 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 13:25:10 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 13:26:59 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 13:44:48 + SiIdeKei_(~siidekei@EM114-51-138-78.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 13:44:49 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 13:45:14 Mode by fukanju: #ぱそ +o SiIdeKei_ 13:45:34 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 13:48:19 ! SiIdeKei (Ping timeout) 13:48:19 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 13:49:20 + ToyoMBA(~toyomba@KD182249083015.au-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 13:49:58 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 14:00:00 14:05:59 ! ToyoMBA (EOF From client) 14:05:59 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 14:06:31 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 14:45:38 ! lico_work ("Leaving...") 2011/11/10 15:00:00 15:17:00 + symm(-symm@ to #ぱそ 15:17:01 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 15:17:51 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 15:18:07 + ao_MacB(~ao_macb@s184156.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) to #ぱそ 15:27:49 ! kairi ("See you...") 15:27:49 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 15:28:19 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 15:29:41 + lico_work(~lico_work@premium208-223.across.or.jp) to #ぱそ 15:29:41 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 15:29:43 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o lico_work 15:30:42 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 15:38:30 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 15:39:08 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 15:43:52 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 15:45:33 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 15:53:40 ! symm (Ping timeout) 2011/11/10 16:00:00 16:57:07 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 16:58:55 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 17:00:00 17:07:52 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 17:09:28 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 17:49:35 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 17:50:21 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 18:00:00 18:22:47 Aki-CML -> MQGM_Aki 18:23:06 + ToyoMBA(~toyomba@7c294a97.i-revonet.jp) to #ぱそ 18:23:17 Mode by cokage: #ぱそ +o ToyoMBA 18:23:24 + tatsu114(~tatsu114@catv-53-119-006.tees.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 18:23:24 Mode by MQGM_Aki: #ぱそ +o tatsu114 18:32:32 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 18:33:17 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 18:36:23 + jackson(~jackson@sannin29218.nirai.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 18:36:23 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 18:37:41 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 18:39:55 MorisWork -> MorrisAFK 18:45:05 ! ponzz ("Leaving...") 18:45:05 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 18:46:08 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 18:46:48 TK-Sleep -> TK-Leana 18:59:44 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 2011/11/10 19:00:00 19:00:40 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:01:55 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:03:03 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:06:07 Yad_Away -> Yaduka 19:06:07 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:07:27 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:15:29 ! AizawaYu2 ("それではノシ") 19:15:30 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:15:54 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:19:43 ! Yaduka ("Leaving...") 19:19:43 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:20:18 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:25:01 NERUsh -> ash 19:25:02 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:25:21 <#ぱそ:Toyolina> ASIN=B005V7SA3Q 協和ハーモネット ジャケットワイヤレスルータ HE-WR01 http://www.koubou.com/asin/B005V7SA3Q 19:25:33 <#ぱそ:Toyolina> これにtouchを入れるとなんちゃってiPhoneのできあがり、と 19:26:43 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:27:26 + Yaduka(~Yaduka@ntchba329076.chba.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:27:35 Mode by fukanju: #ぱそ +o Yaduka 19:27:55 Mode by MQGM_Aki: #ぱそ +o Yaduka 19:42:51 + akiraani(~akiraani@nfmv007250.uqw.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:42:52 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:43:17 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:45:19 + SiIdeKei(~siidekei@EM1-114-180-57.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:45:23 ! SiIdeKei_ (Connection reset by peer) 19:45:24 Mode by aokaze: #ぱそ +o SiIdeKei 19:46:40 + hari(~hari@FL1-118-109-245-145.kng.mesh.ad.jp) to #ぱそ 19:46:40 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:47:51 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:49:43 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:50:10 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:51:16 + Role(~cre@ns.cre.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:51:23 Mode by cokage: #ぱそ +o Role 19:53:17 <#ぱそ:licorice> ふぅ、無事にお嬢様のご機嫌取りが出来ました。 19:53:17 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:54:34 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:58:12 MorrisAFK -> Morris 19:58:12 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 19:58:58 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 20:00:00 20:01:26 ! licorice ("Leaving...") 20:01:41 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 20:03:21 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:03:36 + licorice(~licorice@home.cokage.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:03:37 Mode by asahiya: #ぱそ +o licorice 20:04:12 <#ぱそ:licorice> 月刊MS適用完了 20:09:47 fukanju -> fukaFuton 20:16:38 <#ぱそ:licorice> うーん、、、、 20:16:39 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 20:16:50 <#ぱそ:licorice> MX-Rが微妙に調子悪い 20:17:12 + zero2(~zero2@gd-dm11-0132.lcv.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:18:00 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:18:18 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 20:18:29 ! Yaduka (Connection reset by peer) 20:18:39 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:19:20 + Yaduka(~Yaduka@ntchba329076.chba.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:19:28 Mode by MQGM_Aki: #ぱそ +o Yaduka 20:25:21 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 20:27:06 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:27:34 <#ぱそ:licorice> Amazonさんで3万円か凹 20:28:26 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 20:29:28 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:31:08 + MarkN(~markn@softbank220027002037.bbtec.net) to #ぱそ 20:31:09 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 20:31:51 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:32:24 Morris -> MorrisEAT 20:34:09 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 20:34:14 + Fish(~Fish@p34087-ipngn1801marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:34:15 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:35:55 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 20:36:36 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:40:38 + Pikoyan(~Pikoyan@p3236-ipbf905funabasi.chiba.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:40:38 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 20:41:00 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 21:00:00 21:00:31 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 21:01:37 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:09:04 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 21:10:04 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:11:06 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 21:12:25 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:19:46 MorrisEAT -> Morris 21:19:46 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 21:20:53 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:24:02 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 21:25:16 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:28:15 ! shirakiy0 ("(ぱたり") 21:28:15 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 21:29:40 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:38:20 ! QK2_away ("再起動戦士Vたまにゃ") 21:39:11 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 21:40:09 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:42:41 + shirakiya(~kero_ay@softbank126015125178.bbtec.net) to #ぱそ 21:42:41 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 21:42:49 Mode by aokaze: #ぱそ +o shirakiya 21:44:32 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:45:17 + QK2_away(~ballmk-2@p1094-ipad303hodogaya.kanagawa.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:45:20 Mode by MQGM_Aki: #ぱそ +o QK2_away 21:57:32 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 21:58:22 + MOTOI(~MOTOI@219-117-185-245.cnc.jp) to #ぱそ 21:59:04 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 22:00:01 22:17:15 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 22:17:40 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 22:20:19 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 22:22:03 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 22:30:02 Yaduka -> Yad_Sleep 22:30:14 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 22:30:35 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 22:34:23 + kairi(~kairi@i118-17-244-226.s10.a030.ap.plala.or.jp) to #ぱそ 22:34:24 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 22:34:54 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 22:36:47 Morris -> MorrisNY 22:36:47 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 22:37:16 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 22:58:59 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 23:00:09 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/11/10 23:00:09 23:05:58 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 23:06:20 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:07:20 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 23:07:32 ! MQGM_Aki (Connection reset by peer) 23:08:30 + Aki-CML(~Aki_san@flets-e013.hbb.jp) to #ぱそ 23:08:42 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:08:43 Mode by asahiya: #ぱそ +o Aki-CML 23:09:36 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 23:10:01 Aki-CML -> MQGM_Aki 23:11:04 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:20:20 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 23:21:33 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:26:26 ! V-zEn ("ノシノシ") 23:28:12 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 23:30:00 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:39:13 + V-zEn(~V-zEn@p7967ba76.kngwnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:39:16 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 23:40:25 Mode by QK2_away: #ぱそ +o V-zEn 23:40:28 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:48:21 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 23:48:56 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:54:17 + yasuyuqi(~yasuyuqi@nttkyo713077.tkyo.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:54:18 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 23:55:49 + mistyegg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:59:41 ! mistyegg (Connection reset by peer) 2011/11/11 00:00:03 end