2011/06/30 00:00:12 00:02:43 TK-Leana_ -> TK-Leana 00:15:39 ! tatsu114 ("ろくでもない。ほんとろくでもない。") 00:16:23 ! MihailJP (Connection reset by peer) 00:16:25 + MihailJP_(~MihailJP@KD118156178172.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 00:19:17 Yad_furo -> Yaduka 00:20:48 Fish -> Fish_away 00:22:46 Morris -> MorrisZZZ 00:31:53 Fish_away -> Fish 00:37:24 + SiIdeKei(~siidekei@EM114-51-5-10.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 00:37:53 Mode by fukaFuton: #ぱそ +o SiIdeKei 00:40:58 ! SiIdeKei_ (Ping timeout) 00:42:37 + symm(-symm@ to #ぱそ 00:42:39 ! symm ("Leaving...") 00:43:12 + yasuyuqi(~yasuyuqi@118-83-27-191.htoj.j-cnet.jp) to #ぱそ 00:51:51 + symm(-symm@ to #ぱそ 2011/06/30 01:00:00 01:03:01 TK-Leana -> TK-Sleep 01:05:47 MOTOI -> MOTOsleep 01:10:45 ! akiraani ("祝!ソリッドファイター完全版") 01:23:29 - Fish from #ぱそ (ごきげんよう) 01:53:08 Yaduka -> Yad_Sleep 2011/06/30 02:00:00 2011/06/30 03:00:00 03:00:00 [!] auto down 2011/06/30 03:00:13 03:00:13 [!] ./madoka.rc updated 03:00:13 [!] Start: madoka 4.2.8 with perl 5.8.8 03:00:15 [!] server: irc.trpg.net(6667) 03:00:15 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/ans_action.mpi 03:00:15 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dice2.mpi 03:00:15 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/bot.mpi 03:00:15 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/convnick.mpi 03:00:16 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/autoans.mpi 03:00:16 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrceuc 03:00:16 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrcjis 03:00:16 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dengon.mpi 03:00:24 + dice2(~dice@sv1.trpg.net) to #ぱそ 03:00:32 Mode by fukaFuton: #ぱそ +o dice2 03:01:02 ! NM ("Leaving...") 03:13:26 ! ao0 ("Leaving...") 03:15:29 ! Yad_Sleep ("Leaving...") 03:15:37 ! Toyolina ("") 03:15:58 ! lico_work ("Leaving...") 03:16:12 ! abahp ("ごきげんよう") 03:16:16 ! QK2_away (Connection reset by peer) 03:16:25 ! fukaNote7 ("Leaving...") 03:16:26 ! fukaFuton ("Leaving...") 03:16:36 ! MOTOsleep ("海風受けて") 03:16:48 ! V-zEn ("ノシノシ") 03:16:49 ! touya (EOF From client) 03:18:10 ! ponzz ("Leaving...") 03:21:42 ! Prof_M_ (Connection reset by peer) 03:21:56 + fukanju(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-124-64.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #ぱそ 03:22:13 + fukaNote7(~fukanju@FL1-111-169-124-64.oky.mesh.ad.jp) to #ぱそ 03:22:16 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o fukanju 03:22:20 + abahp(~aba@ntchba140189.chba.nt.ngn.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 03:22:34 Mode by abAWAY: #ぱそ +o abahp 03:22:35 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o fukaNote7 03:23:02 Mode by fukanju: #ぱそ +o shirakiya 03:23:03 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o abahp 03:23:20 ! yasuyuqi ("Leaving...") 03:24:23 + ponzz(~ponzz@p35124-ipngn1401souka.saitama.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 03:36:14 ! MihailJP_ (Connection reset by peer) 2011/06/30 04:00:00 04:08:53 ! aokaze ("Leaving...") 04:14:19 ! YASU ("Leaving...") 04:15:09 + aokaze(~aokaze@p19112-ipngn201morioka.iwate.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/06/30 05:00:00 05:00:01 [!] auto down 2011/06/30 05:00:07 05:00:07 [!] ./madoka.rc updated 05:00:07 [!] Start: madoka 4.2.8 with perl 5.8.8 05:00:08 [!] server: irc.trpg.net(6667) 05:00:08 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/ans_action.mpi 05:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dice2.mpi 05:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/bot.mpi 05:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/convnick.mpi 05:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/autoans.mpi 05:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrceuc 05:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/.botrcjis 05:00:09 plugin new: ./plugin/yuurii/dengon.mpi 05:00:15 + dice2(~dice@sv1.trpg.net) to #ぱそ 05:00:26 Mode by fukanju: #ぱそ +o dice2 05:00:27 Mode by cokage: #ぱそ +o dice2 05:03:59 + QK2_away(~ballmk-2@p3137-ipad302hodogaya.kanagawa.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 05:04:01 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o QK2_away 2011/06/30 06:00:00 06:37:44 fukanju -> fukaNeoki 06:37:55 + SiIdeKei_(~siidekei@EM114-51-45-96.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 06:38:15 Mode by fukaNeoki: #ぱそ +o SiIdeKei_ 06:41:25 ! SiIdeKei (Ping timeout) 06:44:28 ! symm (Ping timeout) 06:45:10 + YASU(~YASU@pa355d2.aomrnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/06/30 07:00:00 07:00:00 ! log ("auto down") 07:00:05 + log(~homepage@sv1.trpg.net) to #ぱそ 07:00:13 Mode by fukaNeoki: #ぱそ +o log 07:15:46 ! lico_foma (Connection reset by peer) 07:15:46 ! licorice ("Leaving...") 07:17:54 + V-zEn(~V-zEn@pb6a9fb35.kngwnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 07:19:07 Mode by QK2_away: #ぱそ +o V-zEn 07:19:39 ! kairi ("See you...") 07:24:54 + kairi(~kairi@i114-189-120-175.s10.a030.ap.plala.or.jp) to #ぱそ 07:26:15 + licorice(~licorice@home.cokage.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 07:26:21 Mode by cokage: #ぱそ +o licorice 07:26:52 + touya(~raytouya@B145125.ppp.dion.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 07:28:26 + Yaduka(~Yaduka@ntchba211015.chba.nt.ftth.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 07:28:42 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o Yaduka 07:32:50 Yaduka -> Yad_Away 07:56:28 fukaNeoki -> fukaWork 07:57:31 + lico_work(~licorice@i220-108-156-14.s02.a022.ap.plala.or.jp) to #ぱそ 07:57:56 Mode by abAWAY: #ぱそ +o lico_work 2011/06/30 08:00:00 08:12:39 ! Ruki ("Leaving...") 08:17:02 + Ruki(~Ruki@180-197-47-233.aichieast1.commufa.jp) to #ぱそ 08:28:44 + Stella(~Stella@122x213x68x195.ap122.ftth.ucom.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 08:47:59 + yasaii(~yasaii@p1244-ipbf02tokaisakaetozai.aichi.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/06/30 09:00:00 09:40:42 MorrisZZZ -> Morris 09:45:47 + ao0(~ao@27-141-213-54.rev.home.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 09:46:08 Mode by OTE: #ぱそ +o ao0 09:55:58 Morris -> MorrisAFK 2011/06/30 10:00:00 10:00:02 ! cokage ("お風呂お風呂〜♪") 10:00:05 + cokage(~licorice@sv.cokage.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 10:00:15 Mode by dice2: #ぱそ +o cokage 10:16:16 ! MarkN ("Leaving..") 10:29:34 MorrisAFK -> Morris 10:47:10 Morris -> MorisWork 2011/06/30 11:00:00 11:00:03 ! aokaze ("Leaving...") 11:03:23 ! cre_log ("auto down") 11:06:05 + aokaze(~aokaze@p19112-ipngn201morioka.iwate.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 11:06:56 + cre_log(~log@ns.cre.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 11:07:02 Mode by cokage: #ぱそ +o cre_log 11:07:08 Mode by dice2: #ぱそ +o cre_log 2011/06/30 12:00:00 12:14:04 + tatsu114(~tatsu114@catv-53-119-006.tees.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 12:14:05 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o tatsu114 12:17:14 + Toyolina(~Toyolina@7c294a97.i-revonet.jp) to #ぱそ 12:17:21 Mode by fukaWork: #ぱそ +o Toyolina 12:17:58 ! abAWAY ("ごきげんよう") 12:20:50 + AizawaYu2(~Yu_Aizawa@i114-185-140-32.s05.a012.ap.plala.or.jp) to #ぱそ 12:20:59 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o AizawaYu2 12:23:13 + abAWAY(~aba@ntchba140189.chba.nt.ngn.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 12:23:24 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +o abAWAY 12:37:43 + SiIdeKei(~siidekei@EM1-114-43-120.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 12:38:07 Mode by fukaWork: #ぱそ +o SiIdeKei 12:40:57 ! SiIdeKei_ (Ping timeout) 12:57:35 ! tatsu114 ("ろくでもない。ほんとろくでもない。") 2011/06/30 13:00:00 13:05:00 + symm(-symm@ to #ぱそ 13:10:41 ! AizawaYu2 ("おでかけですよ、あいざわさん。(`・ω・´)") 13:11:43 ! MistyEgg ("Leaving...") 2011/06/30 14:00:00 14:00:42 ! Toyolina (Connection reset by peer) 14:00:55 ! abahp ("ごきげんよう") 14:37:04 + abahp(~aba@ntchba140189.chba.nt.ngn.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 14:37:05 + abAWAY0(~aba@ntchba140189.chba.nt.ngn.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 14:37:11 Mode by Aki-CML: #ぱそ +oo abahp abAWAY0 14:37:24 + ao_MacB(~ao_macb@s184156.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp) to #ぱそ 14:39:06 ! abAWAY (Ping timeout) 14:46:42 + NM(~NM@KD113159104006.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 14:50:25 ! symm (Ping timeout) 14:59:21 abAWAY0 -> abAWAY 14:59:32 ! abahp ("ごきげんよう") 2011/06/30 15:00:00 15:01:40 ! shirakiya ("CHOCOA") 15:07:58 + shirakiya(~kero_ay@softbank126015230137.bbtec.net) to #ぱそ 15:08:22 Mode by fukaWork: #ぱそ +o shirakiya 15:20:32 + MistyEgg(~egg@vc235.net183086135.thn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 15:23:04 ! kairi (Ping timeout) 2011/06/30 16:00:00 16:19:38 ! NM ("Leaving...") 16:20:06 ! mikeyama_ ("再起動でござるよ、ニンニン") 16:21:37 + NM(~NM@KD113159104006.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 16:25:40 TK-Sleep -> TK-Leana 2011/06/30 17:00:00 17:25:45 + mikeyama(~mikeyama@pc685dd.nigtnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 17:44:42 + Balyoshi_(~username@pa24ac7.sitmnt01.ap.so-net.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 17:46:45 ! Balyoshi (Ping timeout) 17:55:32 Aki-CML -> Aki-CML-P 17:56:28 + abahp(~aba@ntchba140189.chba.nt.ngn.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 17:56:43 Mode by Aki-CML-P: #ぱそ +o abahp 2011/06/30 18:00:00 18:26:03 + tatsu114(~tatsu114@catv-53-119-006.tees.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 18:26:10 Mode by Aki-CML-P: #ぱそ +o tatsu114 18:38:13 + SiIdeKei_(~siidekei@EM114-51-54-82.pool.e-mobile.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 18:38:29 Mode by fukaWork: #ぱそ +o SiIdeKei_ 18:41:45 ! SiIdeKei (Ping timeout) 18:41:48 TK-Leana -> TK-Away 18:58:21 + Fish(~Fish@p23042-ipngn1401marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/06/30 19:00:00 19:01:53 TK-Away -> TK-Leana 19:03:38 ! ponzz ("Leaving...") 19:08:53 + jackson(~jackson@sannin29218.nirai.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:24:42 ! showaway ("Leaving...") 19:28:34 ! Aki-CML-P (Ping timeout) 19:29:21 + showaway(~showaway@3dd72c8a.tcat.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 19:29:30 + Aki-CML-P(-Aki_san@ to #ぱそ 19:36:59 ! Aki-CML-P (EOF From client) 19:37:38 + Aki-CML(~Aki_san@flets-e003.hbb.jp) to #ぱそ 19:38:20 Mode by QK2_away: #ぱそ +o Aki-CML 19:39:50 ! yasaii ("Leaving...") 19:48:02 ! Aki-CML ("Leaving...") 19:52:32 fukaWork -> fukaFuton 2011/06/30 20:00:00 20:00:26 + Aki-CML(~Aki_san@flets-e003.hbb.jp) to #ぱそ 20:00:56 ! ao_MacB (EOF From client) 20:01:51 Mode by QK2_away: #ぱそ +o Aki-CML 20:11:12 Aki-CML -> MGM_Aki 20:16:55 + akiraani(~akiraani@nfmv001014050.uqw.ppp.infoweb.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:22:47 + H_Aoi(~chocoa@121-84-8-227f1.hyg2.eonet.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 20:51:23 MorisWork -> Morris 20:53:17 ! LizardMe_ ("Lizar.D>みえてる?") 20:59:24 + Pikoyan(~Pikoyan@p3114-ipbf707funabasi.chiba.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 2011/06/30 21:00:00 21:02:14 Yad_Away -> Yaduka 21:16:44 + MOTOI(~MOTOI@219-117-185-245.cnc.jp) to #ぱそ 21:17:17 ! Stella ("See you...") 21:21:01 + MihailJP(~MihailJP@KD118156178172.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:21:34 Morris -> MorrisEAT 21:25:26 + Stella(~Stella@122x213x68x195.ap122.ftth.ucom.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 21:39:36 MorrisEAT -> Morris 21:59:57 Morris -> Mor_ris 2011/06/30 22:00:00 22:00:23 Mor_ris -> Morris 22:00:59 nora_Aw -> noraneco 22:09:00 noraneco -> nora_Aw 22:13:18 ! H_Aoi ("reboot") 22:17:54 + H_Aoi(~chocoa@121-84-8-227f1.hyg2.eonet.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 22:37:10 + kairi_(~kairi@i114-189-120-175.s10.a030.ap.plala.or.jp) to #ぱそ 22:44:48 + MarkN(~markn@p2040-ipad305sasajima.aichi.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 22:45:29 nora_Aw -> noraneco 22:53:21 MOTOI -> MOTOIbath 2011/06/30 23:00:00 23:17:05 MOTOIbath -> MOTOI 23:17:07 + aspha(~aspha@p1042-ipbf206otsu.shiga.ocn.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:43:20 ! H_Aoi ("しゅーしん") 23:43:50 + ALEX_(~alex_@h210-004-161-038.user.rosenet.ne.jp) to #ぱそ 23:50:53 ! Pikoyan ("A列車で逝こう!") 23:54:52 ! Stella ("See you...") 2011/07/01 00:00:07 end